Since 1969
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Midsouth Shooters Supply Introduces - The Thompson Center Dimension: Fresh from SHOT Show 2012, introducing the Thompson Center Dimension Bolt-Action, fully customizable rifle! The Dimension allows you to change barrels and stocks into four different “Caliber Families” by changing no more than four components. The Dimension is a brand-new product breakthrough, so we're trying to get information as fast as possible! Check back to this page to get the latest information on this revolutionary bolt-action platform! ONE and DONE!

Check out Thompson Centers Dimension Website (It is brand new, and has a couple of glitches, but if you filter through you can find some pretty good info.)

How The Thompson Center Dimension Rifle Works: The LOC™ (Locking Optimized Components) system uses the latest engineering genius to interchange the four caliber families. The barrel, bolt, and magazine parts are all marked with LOC letter designations for quick, accurate assembly. The letter "matchings" ensure that the caliber marked on the barrel can actually be shot from the rifle. When you want to change caliber in the same family, the barrel needs only to be replaced. When changing the entire family, the bolt, magazine and barrel need to be changed. (to all correspond with the designated letter.)

Dimension Caliber Families:
A - .204 Ruger, .223 Rem
B - .22-250 Rem*, .243 Win, 7mm-08 Rem, .308 Win
C - .270 Win, .30-06 Sprg
D - 7mm Rem Mag, .300 Win Mag
LOC stocks, receivers, bridge scope mounts and hand tools can be
used with any Series A, B, C and D components
Thompson Center Dimension MOA Guarantee

Thompson Center's MOA Guarantee (From The Thompson Center Website) MOA - In order for a rifle to be considered MOA it must shoot a 3 shot group in an inch or less at 100 yards. Thompson Center Guarantees that The Dimension Rifle is MOA (minute of angle) guaranteed, when using premium ammunition, with every barrel that is installed.
Dimension Rifle Barrels Blued Finish: (Coming Soon)
204 Ruger 22" Dimension Barrel
223 Remington 22" Dimension Barrel
22-250 Remington 22" Dimension Barrel
243 Winchester 22" Dimension Barrel
308 Winchester 22" Dimension Barrel
7MM-08 22" Dimension Barrel
270 Winchester 24" Dimension Barrel
30-06 SPRG 24" Dimension Barrel
7MM Remington Mag 24" Dimension Barrel
300 Winchester Mag 24" Dimension Barrel

Dimension Accessories:(Coming Soon)
Torque Wrench Kit (V-Block & Torque Tool)
Bridge Mount Assembly
Scope Rings, Low, Aluminum
Dimension Left and Right Hand Bolt Assemblies: (Coming Soon)
RIGHT Hand "A" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
RIGHT Hand "B" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
RIGHT Hand "C" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
RIGHT Hand "D" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
LEFT Hand "A" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
LEFT Hand "B" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
LEFT Hand "C" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly
LEFT Hand "D" Family Dimension Bolt Assembly

Receiver/Stock Assemblies (*FFL Reqired): (Coming Soon)
RIGHT Hand Dimension Receiver/Stock Assembly
LEFT Hand Dimension Receiver/Stock Assembly