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Lock-N-Load Cartridge Headspace Gauge 5 Bushing Kit With Body

Hornady # HK66 |  Item # 005-HK66
  • Lock-N-Load Cartridge Headspace Gauge 5 Bushing Kit With Body
  • hornady
Status: Backorder OK


Lock-N-Load Cartridge Headspace Gauge 5 Bushing Kit With Body

The five bushings that come with the Lock-N-Load® Headspace Comparator provide the ability to check most bottleneck cases, from 17 Rem through the belted magnums. Ackley Improved chambers use the same bushing size as the parent case.

Summary of Contents:
  • .330"
  • .350"
  • .375"
  • .400"
  • .420"

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  • Shipping Weight: 0.34lbs. - Please Note: Most packages will require extra packing materials.
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Product ID Number
- Part No. HK66

Weight & Dimension
- Length: 1.5000
- Height: 6.7500
- Width: 4.0000
- Weight: 0.3420LB(s)



Headspace Comparator extends brass life, improves accuracy, and enhances safety. The gauge measures variations in brass before and after firing or re-sizing. It allows for headspace comparison between fire-formed brass and re-sized brass. The five bushings that come with the


Headspace Comparator provide the ability to check most bottleneck cases, from .17 Rem through belted magnums. Ackley Improved chambers use the same bushing size as the parent case. See chart provided or consult product instructions for cartridge/bushing size details.