Since 1969

30 Caliber .308 Diameter 200 Grain 200.20x Hybrid Target 100 Count

Berger # 30417 |  Item # 178-30417
  • 30 Caliber .308 Diameter 200 Grain 200.20x Hybrid Target  100 Count
  • 30 Caliber .308 Diameter 200 Grain 200.20x Hybrid Target  100 Count
  • berger-bullets
$0.70 Per Piece
Status: In Stock
  • This item has restrictions that may prevent its sale by age or location.


30 Caliber .308 Diameter 200 Grain 200.20x Hybrid Target 100 Count
by Berger Bullets

Product Overview:

Berger's lines of Target bullets are designed to set records and win competitions, and they do. Their unique J4 Precision Jackets offer .0003 Total Indicated Runout (TIR). This makes the Berger bullets extremely well balanced under high RPMs. This balance translates to exceptional performance.


  • Ballistic Coefficient (G1): 0.640
  • Ballistic Coefficient (G7): 0.328
  • Sectional Density: 0.301

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  • Shipping Weight: 3.00lbs. - Please Note: Most packages will require extra packing materials.
  • This item is regulated by the US STATE DEPARTMENT and may require an EXPORT LICENSE for international orders.
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