308 / 7.62 Mixed Premium Reconditioned Unprimed Rifle Brass 500 Count in FREE 50 Caliber Ammo Can
Product Overview:
Top Brass sorts, deprimes, removes military crimps from primer pockets, cleans, sizes, polishes and inspects each piece of brass so they are ready to load. These cases are guaranteed once fired from various military ranges and contain mixed headstamps.
Contains 2 bags of 250 pieces sealed in new 50 Caliber Ammo Can.
- Once Fired Brass
- Various Headstamps
- Deprimed
- Primer Pocket Crimps removed
- Full-length Sized
- Trimmed to Length if necessary
- Cleaned and Polished
- 2 Bags of 250 Pieces
- Sealed in new 50 Caliber Ammo Can